史学界在辛亥革命史的研究方面,无论是深度上还是广度上,都取得了令人瞩目的成就,特别是自1981年纪念辛亥革命70周年以来的十余年间,关于辛亥革命的研究与学术探讨,更出现了空前热烈的气氛。其中主要就清末新政与立宪运动、社会思潮与社会状况、革命团体和革命政党、辛亥革命与农民和会党及民族资产阶级的关系、南京临时政府的性质与民初政局、辛亥革命时期的人物研究等几个重点问题进行了新的讨论、评判与界定。Historiography has made notable achievements both in depth and in breadth in the research of the Revolution of 1911, especially since the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 for more than ten years in 1981, the research on the Revolution of 1911 Academic discussion, but also appeared in an unprecedented warm atmosphere. Among them, it mainly deals with the relationship between the New Deal and the Constitutional Movement in the late Qing Dynasty, social trends and social conditions, revolutionary and revolutionary parties, the Revolution of 1911 and the peasants and the bourgeoisie, the nature of the interim government in Nanjing and the political situation in the early Republic of China and the Revolution of 1911 Research and several other key issues for a new discussion, evaluation and definition.