【摘要】 记录清初满蒙关系的最重要史料有《旧满洲档》、满汉文《清太祖武皇帝实录》、满文《满文老档》。本文对其编写过程、资料运用、它们间的关系、记录事件的异同诸方面进行比较研究。从而试图弄清档案与文献间的关系及区别,指出它们各自特点。 全文由五个部分组成。第一章为绪论,对清初满蒙关系档案的整理研究概况进行一些探讨和说明。第二章比较《太祖武皇帝实录》与《旧满洲档》。后者的内容在《太祖武皇帝实录》中是否有变化,汉文本对满文本在内容翻译上是否恰当等,对这些问题进行探讨,并作出相关人文历史的解释。第三章研究《旧满洲档》与《满文老档》满蒙关系史料的异同。《满文老档》对《旧满洲档》原文是否忠实抄写,有哪些变动等等,作比较详实的考察。第四章综合探讨《满文老档》、《太祖实录》、《旧满洲档》三部书的史料学关系及相关问题,并总结本文研究的得失。第五部分是结论。 三部史料形成的时间、地点、环境各不相同,但有渊源关系。《旧满洲档》是爱新国时期(1607-1636)对皇帝日常活动的记录。《太祖武皇帝实录》是顺治年间修纂《清太祖实录》的一种文本,而且很多内容来自《旧满洲档》。《满文老档》是乾隆年间对无圈点满文《旧满洲档》的新满文转写,抄写过程中对原文进行整理、规范、删改。三部史料都记有努尔哈赤的一生活动和当时社会历史状况,但随着时间和社会环境的变化,它们的记录或叙述也有改变。另由档案与文献角度比较,发现作为原档的《旧满洲档》记录情况比较客观,作为官方文献《太祖武皇帝实录》则是从原档选择有利于太祖皇帝形象和皇朝权力的内容。同样作为《旧满洲档》抄本的《满文老档》,因是在另一个环境中形成,很多内容发生变化。总的看,档案和文献、原档与抄本间有许多差别。 在史料的原始性和客观性方面,档案是最好的。可是档案数量有限,内容也不连贯系统。文献对历史事件的反映有片面性和局限,但其最大的长处就是记事的系统和全面,为研究者提供较完整信息。研究的时候两者应该结合使用。更多还原
【Abstract】 Archives in old Manchu script Archives in new Manchu script The veritable Records of shunzhi period are the most important historical materials concerning the relationship between Manchu and Mongols in the beginning of Qing Dynasty。 This dissertation contrasts the process of compose, materials, recorded events and the relations between them。 Trying to explain the relations between archives and documants, and point out its feature respectively。Chapter one, discusses the studies condition of the archives about the relationship between Manchu and Mongols in the beginning of Qing Dynasty。
Chapter two, contrasts The veritable records of shunzhi period with Archives in old Manchu script, the later’s contant whether or not changes in the veritable records of the shunzhi period, Chinese version whether or not appropriate in translation, also interprets related issue。 Chapter three, talks about the similarities and differences of the historical materials concerning the relationship between Manchu and Mongols。 Chapter four, disscusses the relation between the three part historical materials and related events。
Although difference in times, place, condition of form of these historical materials, the relation between them is original text and transcription。 Archives of old Manchu script recorded the routine business of emperor during the Aishin states( 1607-1636)。 The veritable records of shunzhi period was a kind of compiled text of the veritable records of Qing taizu period in the period of Emperor Shunzhi, majority content of it come from the archives in old Manchu script。archives in newManchu script was a new Manchu script text of archives in old Manchu script which recorded in old Manchu script in the period of Emperor Qianlung, in the course of transcription, the transcriber arranged, standardized and revised the original text。
Contrasts archives with documets, we finds, as a original archives the old Manchu script archives objectively records the related events。 As a official document, the veritable records of shunzhi period extracts in the interest of emperor’s figure and power of feudal dynasty from original text。 New Manchu script archives, as a transcription, because of formed in different context, have different content。In a word, there are many difference between archives and documents, original text and transcriptions。 Archives are objectively and originalty, few in number and incoherent in content。 Documents reflect the historical events by one party only。更多还原
【关键词】 档案;文献;资料;比较;
【Key words】 Archives;documents;historical materials;Comparative study;