《三侠五义》 中白玉堂形象论析 内容摘要: 《三侠五义》 是晚清广为流传的一部典型侠义公案小说, 白玉堂是其中塑造得最为生动的人物形象之一。 他性格复杂、 个性鲜明, 既有着侠义正直、 慷慨豪爽、 重情重义、 幽默乐观、 机智灵活等性格优点, 也有孤高气傲、 骄傲好胜、 不听劝谏、 我行我素等性格缺陷。 由于包公的人格魅力、 身边亲朋的影响和自 我意识的逐渐变化, 他选择了 投奔包公, 然而最终惨死于铜网阵中。 白玉堂的人生悲剧除了 自 身性格所致以外, 和当时的社会环境也有很大关系 。 白玉堂这个人物形象身 上体现了 人们对侠士精神的渴望, 反映了 侠士与官府融合的趋势, 展现侠士身上自 由与束缚的矛盾冲突。 关键词: 《三侠五义》; 白玉堂; 悲剧; 官侠结合 The Image of Bai Yutang in San Xia Wu Yi Abstract :"San Xia Wu Yi" is a typically Chivalrous novel widespread in late Qing dynasty , Bai Yutang is one of one of the most vivid characters shaped in it whose advantages in nature is full of complexity, distinct personality, he is also chivalrous ,honest, generous, humorous with optimistic, resourceful and flexible character ,but on the other hand ,he is aloof , proud, aggressive and always behaves in his own way and never listens to others. Owing to BaoZheng's personal charm, influence by close relatives and friends’ and the gradual change in self-awareness, he chooses to defect to BaoZheng, but eventually died in the copper network matrix, in addition to his nature, Bai’s tragedy in life also has great to do with the social environment at that time. Bai's image embodies the desire of the chivalrous spirits ,the trend of integration between the swordsmen and officials ,which also demonstrates the contradictions and conflicts of freedom and trammels over him as a chivalrous knight. Key Words: "San Xia Wu Yi"; Bai Yutang; tragedy; combination of Officials and Knights