关键词满文老档文学解读 ABSTRACT For acentury,the study ofdevelops from scratch and eyen es SO prevalent thatabsorbs considerable analysis of usually focuses on history,linguistic,philology,graphics, bibliography,science ofedition and SO on,whereas theliteraryperspective israrely explored. As the pioneer ofManchu 1iterary value ofcould not beallowed environment and scenes are depicted grandly,characters are described vividly,creation techniques varied sophisticatedly, words are natural and 1iveand even sets agood model forthe 1ater Manchu literature. This paper takesthephotocopy of,which isedited by Feng Mingzhu and published by Taipei's National Palace Museum in2006,as main research iSassisted with< Collected Archaic Manchu Archives>(published by Liaoning nationality publishing house)and(published by Zhonghua pany).The paper consists of fourparts:the firstchapter iS an introduction oftheorigin and content of.and try toinvestigate its1iterariness;the second partanalyzes the depiction ofenvironment and scenes:the thirdchapter illustratesthecreation methods ofcharacters and categorize characters as different types on the basis oftypical figures;the fourth chapter studiesthe narrative methods a