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1 何谓社会机制? What are Social Mechanisms? 作者: 李钧鹏, 美国哥伦比亚大学社会学系博士候选人, 曾任英文国际学术期刊《社会力》 (Social Forces) 副主编。 地址: 安徽省合肥市安徽农业大学 141 信箱李增智转(邮编: 230036) 手机: 13641293127 电子邮箱: jpli3023@gmail.com, jl3023@columbia.edu 致谢: 本文是在已故哥伦比亚大学查尔斯· 蒂利(Charles Tilly) 教授的言传身教下写作而成, 是作者与蒂利教授的一次对话尝试。 特此缅怀蒂利教授。 摘要: 对社会机制的研究是社会科学哲学近十年来最为显著的成果之一, 但究竟何谓社会机制? 学术界对此远未达成一致, 相互冲突的观点甚至屡有出现。 本文通过对社会学在内的多学科社会科学研究的梳理, 总结出社会机制的五项基本特征: 社会机制是一种解释手段; 社会机制是一种因果机制; 社会机制与因果律相对立; 社会机制具有不同的层次;社会机制具有时序性。 关键词: 社会机制; 社会科学; 哲学; 解释; 因果关系 Abstract: During the past decade, social mechanisms have become one of the central issues in the philosophy of social science, and relevant research has witnessed significant advancements. However, the question of what exactly constitutes social mechanisms has not reached much consensus, and there is no shortage of conflicting views. Based on a survey of mechanism-based social science research, this article identifies five characteristics of social mechanisms: (1) Social mechanisms are means for explanation. (2) Social mechanisms entail causality. (3) Social mechanisms are a response to, revision of, and refutation of covering laws in social sciences. (4) Social mechanisms have multiple levels. (5) Social mechanisms welcome conceptualizations and analyses of temporality. Key words: Social mechanisms; social science; philosophy; explanation; causality

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