公鼐佚文三篇 冯兆娜 ( 唐山学院图书馆, 河北 唐山 063000) [摘要] 公鼐为明季著名的文学家、 诗人, 据载其著述颇丰, 有百卷行世, 而现只能看到《问次斋稿》 三十一卷, 可见其散佚严重。 笔者在整理资料过程中, 发现佚文三篇, 其一为《池阳来先生自愉堂稿序》, 其二为《大司成即墨砺斋周先生集叙》, 其三为《新建石桥碑记》。 佚文加了标点进行考释后, 反映了公鼐的诗学主张及人生态度, 为公鼐研究提供一点新资料。 [关键词] 公鼐; 佚文 [中图分类号] G256 The Three Gong Nai’s Lost Articles Feng Zhaona (Library, Tangshan College, Tangshan 063000) [Abstract]Gong Nai was a famous writer and poet during Wan Li Period in the late of Ming Dynasty. According to the record, his work and poems were very rich with hundred volumes. But now we just have with thirty-one volumes. So the lost were very seriously because of the war. The author found three lost article during collating the work and poems. The first is ,second one is,the last one is .Punctuated the lost article reflect the point of poems and the life attitude ,hope that it will be beneficial to the study of Gong Nai. [Keyword]: Gong Nai; Lost article公鼐, 字孝与, 号周庭, 为明季著名的文学家、 诗人。
公鼐一生用功甚勤,据《山东通志》《府志》 及康熙《蒙阴县志》 等典籍记载青州公鼐“有《问次斋集》 一百卷行世”, 清朝安□《青社先贤· 咏公鼐》 中称赞道:“高枕东蒙间, 寝食研图籍。 撰书卷帙繁, 与身同尺寸。” 但因时逢明季, 战乱频仍, 在清代以前即有所亡佚, 而我们今天所能看到的只有其诗集《问次斎稿》 三十一卷, 其散佚程度可见一斑。