1. 在中国古代文献《史记。
In ancient Chinese literature, Historical Records.
2. 研究领域为中国古代历史文化、古文字学和文献学。
Since 1954, he started to work in History Department, Society Science Institute of China.
3. 尽管非常少的古代文献今天还有用,这种治疗的模式在早期的时候已经系统化。
Although very few ancient texts are available today, this method of healing was systematized in early times.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 根据文献记载,中国古代脚踏复锭棉纺车常见为三锭,也有二锭、四锭和五锭的。
According to literature records, typical foot-powered multi-spindle cotton spinning wheel in ancient China is triple-spindle and there're also double-spindle, quadruple-spindle and five-spindle spinning wheels.
5. 在翻译过程中,许多文献被重新校订、考证和增补,大量的古代数学遗产获得了新生。
It originated and founded by Diogenes of Sinope, and is deemed as one branch of ancient Greek's epistemologies.
6. 古代文献在线翻译
6. 俗字谱是中国古代音乐的珍贵文献,在音乐史学研究上具有特殊的价值。
Suzi notation records ancient Chinese music and, it is therefore, has special meaning in musicological study. According to the message left by Mr.
7. 通过对历史文献的引证,结合古代城市规划的建设实践,从祈祥、避邪两方面入手分别对城市选址、城市布局、居住形式、园林规划以及色彩的应用等方面进行分析,总结了吉祥文化对古代城市规划的影响。
Based on historical documents, this article summarizes the influence of the propitious culture on the ancient urban planning unifying the construction practice of the ancient urban planning, from praying lucky, avoiding evil both sides to commence analyseing urban location, urban layout, living forms, landscape planning and the application of color and so on.
8. 不过在现代,比起如何挖开古墓更困难的是寻找古墓,地面上有封土堆和石碑之类明显建筑的大墓早就被人发掘得差不多了,如果要找那些年深日深藏于地下,又没有任何地上标记的古墓,那就需要一定的技术和特殊工具了,铁钎、洛阳铲、竹钉,钻地龙,探阴爪,黑折子等工具都应运而生,还有一些高手不依赖工具,有的通过寻找古代文献中的线索寻找古墓,还有极少数的一些人掌握秘术,可以通过解读山川河流的脉象,用看风水的本领找墓穴,我就是属于最后这一类的,
However compare with how to dig to open ancient tomb in the modern, looking for ancient tomb is more difficult, the big tomb which have obviously construction of heap of soil and stone tablet...
9. 笔者认为唯有经由三重证据法-历史文献、出土文物,以及民族学资料(包含民俗资料及口传资料),方能有助於我们理解中国古代的原始宗教,尤其是图腾崇拜方面的文化诠释。
If some patterns or names are bird-like, they are always taken to be related to bird totems. I think that the tri-fold evidence methodology-(1) historical records, (2) relics, and (3) ethnological folk written and/or oral materials-should be applied, so as to help comprehend the aboriginal religions in the ancient China, especially cultural interpretation of the totem worship.
10. 通过对古砚盒的出土文物和相关文献资料的整理与分析研究,发现砚盒作为体现中国古代文化的载体-古砚的外包装,随着砚的发展史,其设计经历了从形制到材质的优化,从实用功能为主到装饰功能为主的转变。
The packaging design of ancient inkstone box was studied through analysis of unearthed artefacts and related literature data. It was concluded that inkstone box is one of the carrier of Chinese ancient culture; with development of history, inkstone box packaging has undergone change from the shapes to optimized materials, from functions to decorative features.
11. 利用古代诗文用韵来研究古代韵类的情况是音韵学文献考古研究方法之一。
Studing ancient rhyme classifications in poems and riming compositions is one of the archaeological method using ancient literature in Chinese historical phonology.
12. 印度文献这个术语是指与古代印度(大多数印度遗址分布于今天的印度西北部和巴基斯坦)哈拉帕文明联系在一起的短小符号,在公元前2600?
The term Indus script refers to short strings of symbols associated with the Harappan civilization of ancient India (most of the Indus sites are distributed in present day North West India and Pakistan) used between 2600?
13. 敦煌艺术的发现,名闻中外,它对我国古代文献的补遗和校勘有极为重要的研究价值。
This discovery, which attracted world attention, is of great research value for supplementing and emending ancient Chinese documents.
14. 古代文献
14. 在解释古代文献语言的时候,能够尽可能多地熟悉古代典制习俗,并作为一种意识贯彻到训诂工作中去,是我们通读古籍和解决一些老问题的重要途径和方法。
It is a very important way to solve some old problems through reading ancient books by familiaring with the ancient system of customs code as much as possible when interpreting ancient document language.
15. 干宝《搜神记》是一部研究我国古代民间文学的重要文献,它记录保存了我国古代大量的神话、传说和故事等民间文学作品。
In ancient times of our country.
16. 这部文献的出现,标志着在战国时代,我国的哲学思想和文学语言,已经发展到非常玄远、高深的水平,是我国古代典籍中的瑰宝。
The emergence of this document, marked in the Warring States Period, China's philosophy and literary language has been developed to a very mysterious far higher level of China's ancient books gems.
17. 我国是个农业大国,有着极为丰富的古代农业文献,这些宝贵遗产是我们今天建设现代化强国所必须珍视、利用、借鉴的。
China is a great geoponic country, which has abundant ancient geoponic documents that should be treasured, exploited and mirrored by our current modernization cause.
18. 但是考虑到他在自己能否看懂古代美索不达米亚文献上撒了谎,所以他根本不值得相信。
But since he was lying about being able to read old Mesopotamian texts, he cannot be believed.
19. 在文献整理中,经查阅37部有代表性的古代针灸医籍和21部近现代主要针灸医籍及1982年以来的相关期刊,发现心包经九穴均用于心病的治疗。
Acupuncture and Moxibustion is an important method with a long history of being used in the treatment of CHD.
20. 中国最早发明高尔夫球的理论由来已久。本月在香港文化博物馆的一次展览会上再次的到展示。这一理论的主要依据是中国古代的壁画和绘画作品。在这些画中,宫廷仕臣们在玩一种类高尔夫球运动,这比苏格兰最早的文献记载15世纪要早。
The longstanding Chinese theory, to be showcased anew in an exhibition that opens at Hong Kong's Heritage Museum this month, is based on murals and paintings that show imperial courtiers playing a golf-like game long before Scotland's first documented reference in the 15th century.