(北京:科学出版社,2018年6月,ISBN 978-7-03-058219-5)
目 录
南北朝唐代海上丝绸之路的拓展………………………………………… 张庆捷
唐朝西州与伊州的交通…………………………………………………… 孟宪实
杜甫“观兵”诗新解——唐乾元二年西域援军再次入关史实钩沉…… 吴玉贵
黄文弼先生与甘藏吐鲁番文献…………………………………………… 荣新江
新出唐刘文袆墓志所见西域史事考……………………………………… 王庆卫
敦煌元代汉文官文书续考………………………………………………… 党宝海
卐符号的初传及其原始寓义……………………………………………… 刘学堂
新疆发现麻黄与大麻及有关问题………………………………………… 刘文锁
新疆地区发现的圭字形剑鞘的研究……………………………………… 林铃梅
固原九龙山M33出土下颌托研究………………………………………… 陈婧修
——日本龙谷大学所藏库车出土汉文书案例研究之一… 庆昭蓉 江南和幸
中国所出佉卢文书所记载的古鄯善国的刑罚及其源流………………… 姜一秀
高昌货币史上的毯本位时代……………………………………………… 裴成国
移健与时健——源自亲属称谓的古突厥名号…………………………… 陈 恳
葛儿罕称号考……………………………………………………………… 白玉冬
中国元代景教碑铭纪年辨析……………………………………………… 马小鹤
苏公塔碑——丝绸之路文化交融的标志…… 乌苏吉 卡里米安 撰;徐维焱 译
傅斯年图书馆藏内阁大库档案中的徐松资料…………………………… 朱玉麒
——读阿雅兹·伊斯哈齐《亦德勒-乌拉尔简史》………………… 周思成
刘半农与美国自然史博物馆中亚考察团交涉始末……………………… 王冀青
万里流沙双仲良——黄文弼与丁道衡的西北考察交谊…………吴华峰 徐玉娟
1949年前后的黄文弼……………………………………………………… 刘子凡
Literature & History of the Western Regions
Vol. XII
Zhu Yuqi Editor-in-Chief
Beijing: Science Press, 2017.6
Development of the Maritime Route from the Northern and Southern Dynasties
to the Tang Dynasty……………………………………………………………… Zhang Qingjie
Transportation between Xizhou and Yizhou in the Tang Dynasty……………………Meng Xianshi
New Perspective on a Poem Titled Guanbing of Du Fu: Studies on the Loyalist
Reinforcements from the Western Regions in the 2nd year of Qianyuan Era……… Wu Yugui
Huang Wenbi and the Turfan Documents Preserved in Gansu Museum…………… Rong Xinjiang
On the Historical Events concening the Western Regions Recorded in the Newly
Unearthed Epigraph of Liu Wenhui…………………………………………… Wang Qingwei
Further Remarks on Official Manuscripts of the Yuan Dynasty from Dunhuang………Dang Baohai
Early Spread of the Symbol "卐" and Its Original Implication………………………… Liu Xuetang
The Ephedra and Cannabis Discovered in Xinjiang…………………………………… Liu Wensuo
Research on Dagger Sheaths with Four-lobed form Found in Xinjiang………………… Lin Lingmei
A Study of the Chin-strap Excavated from the Tomb M33 of Jiulongshan in Guyuan… Chen Jingxiu
Paper Used in the 8th Century Anxi Protectorate, Part I: Some Observations on the
Chinese Document Fragments Kept in the Ryukoku University (Japan)
Unearthed from Kucha…………………………………… Ching Chao-jung & Enami Kazuyuki
Punishment in Kharoṣṭhī Documents found in China and its Possible Origin…………… Jiang Yixiu
The Study of the Age of Blanket Standard in the Monetary History of Gaochang
District……………………………………………………………………………… Pei Chengguo
Yigän and Čïqan: Kök Türk Titles from Kinship Terms…………………………………… Chen Ken
On the Title Gür-khan……………………………………………………………………… Bai Yudong
Analysis of the Dating Systems of Nestorian Inscriptions from the Yuan Dynasty
in China………………………………………………………………………………… Ma Xiaohe
The Turfan Minaret Inscription: A Symbol of Cultural Confluence on the Silk Road
………………………… Mohammad Bagher Vosooghi and Hassan Karimian(tr. Xu Weiyan)
Xu Song Materials in the Imperial Cabinet Archive Housed in Fu Ssu-Nien Library ………Zhu Yuqi
Imagined "Golden Horde" and the Muslim Identity for the Volga Tatars’ Nationalism
in Modern Russia: Ajaz Ischaki and His Nationalist Historiography……………… Zhou Sicheng
On Liu Bannong’s Dealings with the Central Asiatic Expedition of the American
Museum of Natural History………………………………………………………… Wang Jiqing
The Friendship of Huang Wenbi and Ding Daoheng during the Northwestern
Scientific Expedition………………………………………………… Wu Huafeng & Xu Yujuan
Huang Wenbi in around 1949………………………………………………………………… Liu Zifan
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions……………………………………