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经济增长真的好吗?Is More Growth Really Better?

经济增长真的好吗?Is More Growth Really Better?已有很多人在撰文著书,对纯粹为经济发展而加速发展经济是否可取这一问题提出质疑,至少在较富裕的工业化国家是够可取。但经济发展的越快的确意味着财富越多,并且大多数人都追求财富



Economists from Adam Smith to Karl Marx saw great virtue in economic growth. Marxarguedthat capitalism, at least in its earlier historical stages, was a vital form of heconomic organization by which society got out of the rut in which the medieval stage of history had trapped it./Marx believed that “the development of theproductive powersof society...alonecan form the realbasisof a higher form of productive powers of society”.Marx went on to tell us that only where such great productive powers have beenunleashedcan one have “a society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle.”In other words,onlya wealthy economy can afford to give all individuals the opportunity for full personal satisfaction through the use of their special abilities in their jobs and through increased leisure activities.(强调句,only修饰where引导的从句,主句半倒装)





Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of validity.It is pointed out that the sheer increase in quantity of products has imposed an enormous cost on society in the form of pollution, crowding,proliferationof wastes that need disposal, anddebilitatingpsychological and social effects. It is said thatindustryhas transformed the satisfying and creative tasks of theartisaninto the mechanical anddehumanizingroutine of the assembly line. It has dotted our roadsides with junkyards, filled our air with smoke, and poisoned our food with dangerous chemicals. The question is whether the outpouring of frozen foods, talking dolls, radios, and headache remedies is worth its high cost to society.


As one well-known economist put it: the continued pursuit of economic growth by Western Societies is more likely on balance to reduce rather than increase social welfare... Technological innovations may offer to add to men’smaterial opportunities. But by increasing the risks of their obsolescence it adds also to their anxiety.Swifter means of communications have the paradoxical effect of isolating people;increased mobility has led to more hours commuting; increased automobilization to increased separation; more television to less communication. In consequence, people know less of their neighbors than ever before.


Virtuallyevery economist agrees that these concerns are valid, though many question whether economic growth is their major cause. Nevertheless, they all emphasize that pollution of air and water, noise and congestion, andthe mechanization of the work processare very real and very serious problems. There is every reason for society to undertake programs thatgrapplewiththese problems.





whole:n. as a whole :作为整体的、整体上






But the recent panic over the property price reductions in China’s ever-increasing numbers of second- and third-tier cities does not mean that theproperty bubble is about to burst. Instead, they constitute a positive signal of a narrowing gap between first-tier cities and other cities in development levels. When the economic opportunities and infrastructure in the second- and third-tier cities are both seriously inadequate, developers have built too many apartments there because they have unwisely expected price hikes similar to those in the first-tier cities.


Consequently, there may be more massive price cuts for homes in many second- and third-tier cities, especially those that do not benefit from being relatively close to the first-tier cities. There will also almost certainly be a substantial cut in investing and constructing new homes in many second- and third-tier cities.


But there will not be a major nationwide property price crash similar to those witnessed recently in the United States or long ago in the United Kingdom.

一线城市房价将继续保持坚挺,并且其部分区域房价甚⾄至还会⼤大幅显著地上升,这跟伦敦房价大幅上涨,⽽而英国其余区域房价仍相当平稳的情 况极为相似。

First-tier city property prices will continue to be strong and in some parts of these cities, prices may even increase substantially. This is very similar to the major increases that occurred in the prices of London property while the rest of the UK market remained quite stable.


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下一篇: 罗尔斯诞辰100周年|假如正义荡然无存,人类又有什么价值?

