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上海英国学校是官方认证的IB认证考试及Nord Anglia集团于1972年建立,集团下分支机构遍布北美,中东,亚洲及欧洲。集团下学校共招收17000名年龄段从2岁至18岁的学生。在各个不同的地区

Nord Anglia集团于1972年建立,集团下分支机构遍布北美,中东,亚洲及欧洲。集团下学校共招收17000名年龄段从2岁至18岁的学生。在各个不同的地区,集团下所有学校都遵守英国本国学制,但同时加入一些有当地特色的课程以适应不同地区的教学。集团下学校为学生提供IB课程,IGCSE课程,在部分地区我们也提供A-Level课程,French Baccalaureate(法国高中毕业会考)及Swiss Maturité(瑞士高中毕业会考)。

Founded in 1972, Nord Anglia Education's schools are located in North America, Middle East, Asia and Europe. These schools are currently home to over 17,000 students between the ages of 2 and 18 years. School's of Nord Anglia Education follow the English National Curriculum which is adapted to fit the needs and culture of different regions. They also offer the International Baccalaureate, IGCSE's and in some places, A Levels, the French Baccalaureate and the Swiss Maturité.

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