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留学生 international students

留学生 international studentsThe Ministry of Education will ask universities to adopt similar standards for all student

The Ministry of Education will ask universities to adopt similar standards for all students, foreign and Chinese, in teaching, exam requirements, education resources and services, said an official from the ministry's department of international cooperation and exchanges.



离开自己所在的国家去其他国家和地区的学校学习深造的所有学生统称为international students(国际学生/留学生),对于本国的学生来说,从其他国家来我国学习的学生就是foreign students,而离开我们国家去外国学习的学生则是overseas students,学成回国的“海归”就是overseas returnees。这几年很流行的“出国游学”就是overseas study tour。



China has signed official education exchange agreements with more than 180 countries, under which both sides can send students to each other's countries for further study, the ministry said.


In 2018, the country welcomed 492,000 international students from 196 countries and regions to study at 1,004 universities and research institutes across the country, it said.


The ministry said 63,000 international students were funded by Chinese government scholarships last year, accounting for just 12.8 percent of the foreign students in China. Moreover, 70 percent of those receiving scholarships were pursuing master's or doctoral degrees.



The ministry punished 18 universities for irregularities in international student admission, certificate issuance for visa applications and on-campus management. Sixteen institutions were suspended to enroll foreign students last year, it said.


Universities should also teach international students relevant laws and regulations in China, and students who violate those laws and regulations or commit crimes will be dealt with seriously, the official said.


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